First Bank of the Lake Logo
First Bank of the Lake Logo
FDIC Digital Sign, using the official FDIC wordmark. This digital sign indicates the deposit institution is backed by the full faith and credit of the US government.
Short-Term Vs Long-Term Loans

Short-Term Vs Long-Term Loans

Which Is Better for Your Business? As implied by their names, the main difference between short-term and long-term loans is how long your business has to repay them. Depending on the lender, short-term loans may last from a few months to a year, while long-term loans...
Financial Risk vs. Business Risk

Financial Risk vs. Business Risk

What’s the Difference? Just like everything else in life, owning and operating a small business can be risky. Typically, your risks will fall into two different categories: financial and business. Understanding both of these risk types will help you run your business...
How Your Company Can Make a Financial Fresh Start

How Your Company Can Make a Financial Fresh Start

Strategies for Overcoming Financial Struggles Undoubtedly, it’s a trying time for businesses across all different industries. From supply chain issues to problems resulting directly from the pandemic, financial struggles are not uncommon—especially among new and...
Financial Advice for Seasonal Businesses

Financial Advice for Seasonal Businesses

Overcome the Unique Challenges of a Seasonal Business Running a seasonal business presents unique advantages as well as challenges. One of the biggest struggles you may face as a seasonal-business owner is managing finances. With the bulk of your income only coming...