First Bank of the Lake Logo
First Bank of the Lake Logo
FDIC Digital Sign, using the official FDIC wordmark. This digital sign indicates the deposit institution is backed by the full faith and credit of the US government.
Determining a Fair Salary Range for Employees

Determining a Fair Salary Range for Employees

It’s no secret that your small business relies heavily on the hard work, dedication, and expertise of your workers. To attract, motivate, and retain these employees who make your company’s success possible, you’ll need to pay them well. Establishing fair salary ranges...
What to Look For in a Third-Party Vendor

What to Look For in a Third-Party Vendor

Consider These Factors When Picking a Vendor As an entrepreneur with a growing business, you may reach the point where it’s more profitable and efficient to outsource some of your company’s operations to a third-party vendor. Since this is a major decision that...
Does Your Business Need an App?

Does Your Business Need an App?

A Guide to Evaluating the Benefits of Mobile Apps As an entrepreneur, you know the importance of having an online presence — and an app may feel like the natural next step in your company’s growth. While having your own app comes with benefits, it’s also critical to...
Is Your Business Ready to Go Overseas?

Is Your Business Ready to Go Overseas?

Consider These Points Before Making Your Business Global If your business is ready for new markets, new horizons, and new challenges, an overseas expansion could be exactly what you need. However, doing business in new countries is a huge step and shouldn’t be taken...