First Bank of the Lake is bringing its financial literacy courses to your home at no cost. Welcome to Banzai, an interactive, award-winning program that has taught millions of people real-world finance. Learn by topic in the Banzai interactive library to solve your most pressing financial problems.
Financial Literacy is more than just budgeting, though it is a big part. With The Wellness Center, you have access to resources that cover all sorts of topics, including insurance, housing, taxes, borrowing and credit, and saving.
Explore by resource type or browse by topic by clicking on the top navigation bar. Looking for something specific? Plug it into the search bar, find the information you need, and start taking control of your finances right away.
All of these resources are available on any device.
Prepare for Real-World Finance
Straightforward, easy-to-digest articles that cover the most important topics to your financial health.
The Coach is designed to act as a virtual financial expert, guiding you through your unique financial situation.
Powerful calculators provide personalized and clear numeric and visual answers.
Play through games that make finances fun for students of every age.
Choose Your Own Adventure
Banzai responds to the choices you make - you're in the driver's seat.
Together, Banzai and First Bank of the Lake help individuals manager their debt, learn the value of a dollar and take control of their finances.
I didn't know anything about buying a home, and learned about credit cards, which is great because I already have one. I wasn't as informed as I thought.